Preparing for a Pantry Makeover!

I never thought my pantry would look like this, but it’s starting to get out of control. It’s organized chaos, but it’s driving me crazy!

In my mind, I know exactly how I want my pantry to look. I picture clear containers that I can store food and labels to confirm the container’s content, like the images below.

Some of my favorite things about this pantry are the glass containers, the cute rustic baskets, and the plastic containers on the bottom rack that can be used for snacks, cutlery, and condiments. The labeling is adorable and much needed.

I usually keep my vegetables in a basket on the counter, but I like the idea of keeping them in a basket and storing them in the pantry like in the pantry below. The clear labels and black text is a nice touch.

Of course, I want to place my Oreos in a jar like this. My pantry would not be complete without it, LOL!

So, I’ve searched to find inexpensive containers, and I’ve managed to find a few deals.

This 5-piece white modular canister set is from the container store for $29.99. I like that this set because it’s inexpensive and reasonable sized containers that can hold a large amount of food.

If you are a fan of silver, these Anchor Hocking Glass & Brushed Aluminum Canisters range from $6.99 – $8.99. That’s a steal!

We can’t forget about cereal storage. We keep a variety of cereal here, so we are never bored, lol. I just need a container to put them in. I found this set on Amazon. It’s the OXO Good Grips POP Container – Airtight Food Storage – 3.7 Qt Rectangle (Set of 4) for Cereal and More. It’s $71.96. The convenient fill line makes it easy to store staples like cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, rice, coffee, nuts, and snacks.

These Anchor Hocking Glass Canisters with Glass Lids are perfect for storing cookies, pretzels, sugar, etc. I do plan to use these jars for pretzels and my Oreos.

These Loft Woven Storage Bins with Handles are stylish a large. As seen in the image, they are large enough to store baking pans, but I plan to put my large paper towel rolls in them.

Y’all have seen my pantry in the “before” state, and I can’t wait to should you all the “after.” Does your pantry need a makeover? Where do you plan to shop to get your containers? Comment below and let me know! XOXO!

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  1. Very helpful post! We see these inspirations on Pinterest but to see the actual deals makes it more realistic and applicable.

  2. I’ve been looking for containers like this for my kitchen! But the priced I’d find for sets we’re unreasonable. Thank you for the tip! 😘

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